What Does the UK Government Classify as Legally Homeless?
It seems absurd that one would have to create a classification that dictates what is legally homeless. However, in the UK this has become a necessity.
The UK Government indicates that there is help for the homeless in the UK. But this comes with some conditions. The priority for those that are homeless is to have a roof over their head, and food to put in their stomachs. However, the priority for others not in this situation seems to be for those that are to meet the conditions for being declared homeless.
This may seem callous but there have to be some protocols that are followed. The counsels are there to help the homeless. One way they are attempting to do this is with the provision of emergency housing like that which the government is supplying for those in need. Naturally, they have to screen those who are applying to ensure that those truly in need are going to be taken care of.
Conditions for Being Declared as Homeless
In order to set up criteria for qualification, a number of conditions were devised.
- No opportunity for living accommodations. The homeless p
erson cannot have any options to live in accommodations worldwide.
- The individual no longer has access to where they were living. They may have lost their home, or they have been evicted by their landlord.
- Some individuals may be in danger if they live in their home. For example, there is a risk of harm or abuse.
- There is no room in the family home to accommodate the homeless individual.
- The living conditions where the person resides now are too overcrowded to accommodate the individual.
Meeting the Criteria
For those that were able to meet any one of the conditions in the criteria, the council is compelled to assist them. That doesn’t mean they will automatically be given a home to live in. The help offered could be varied. It may be something as minimal as some advice.
The council will determine who is a priority among those that that are helping with homeless. To help with this there are certain factors that they will take into account. The first will be the eligibility. Then following this it will be determined if the individual was at fault for their homeless situation.